Thursday, March 3, 2011

The Boundaries of the Web

So I recently watched a youtube post by this young black female, who seemed to be frustated that her peers would always tell her that she spoke white. She said that a young white male who had posted something similar is what encouraged her to speak up. I started to think about how i felt about the situation because-yes people are sterotyping to even be able to say things like this, but the question is how real are these stereotypes and who do they hold true for. So is it whites that talk more proper or is it that more educated people from better neighborhoods talk proper.

Regardless my point is that I started thinking about the world of the internet, and how so many people connect and communicate through the words on a screen rather than the words coming from their mouths. I really think that its quite interesting.There are some boundaries that cannot be crossed on the web. Even if you can see the people you are communicating with. There is such a variety of people on the web that it is likely you will be exposed to different cultures either way. Can you really tell (if there are no pictures of videos) that you are messaging with an asian, black, white, hispanic etc person while your on CNN's website responding to a hurricane in the south.

We may never have a world that is free from racism, stereotyping, or discrimination, but could this be possible via the web?!?!?!?!?!?!

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